
Today in Costa Rica

I arrived in Alejuela this afternoon, only to find a showering sky. The scenery was pretty nice, although it looked like someone had planted broccoli in the midst of chocolate rivers in good ol’ Willy’s chocolate factory. Our plane had to wait for a terminal to become available, and the rain was so heavy I was sure we’d float off the taxi lane before we were let off. The San Jose airport is actually in Alejuela, not San Jose, and I was a bit confused while looking for a location on the San Jose map. When I asked a cabbie to take me to a particular hostel, he recommended a better one, and informed me of my whereabouts. I told him that whoever named the airport surely knew what they were doing, and we were off to San Jose!

Once in San Jose and situated at the hostel, which is a bit expensive at $25, I ventured out in search of a good meal. I must have walked in the wrong direction five times, probably due to receiving directions in Spanish, but finally got my bearings. No, I didn’t make it to the Soda I wanted to eat at, nor did I find the bar I wanted to have a beer at after, but I’m well fed and surprisingly found the shortest route back to my hostel.

I’ve heard about Costa Rican insects, but what I would watch out for are the gatos! The resident cat at my hostel, whom I refer to as “Gato,” proceeded to torture and eat the largest grasshopper-locust thing I’ve seen in 24 years. I cheered her on, praying that I wouldn’t find one snugly asleep in my bed. So far, so good. But I’m sure one of those, or something else of similar size, will find its way onto my face at some point.

Did I mention it’s hot here (my question mark key doesn’t work). It’s fucking blazing, and humid, and I’m naked. I hope I can sleep tonight, but I prefer a cold room and a warm body.

Well, that’s all for now! I think I’m going to take a bus to the Playa Tamarindo area tomorrow, as this city doesn’t really do it for me.

Hope all is well with everyone,



lj said...

prefer a warm body huh....

Seamus said...

Yeah. Would you mind? =P