
I'm well on my way to Costa Rica, and presently in beautiful Charlotte North Carolina. I describe this city as beautiful because as we were landing, a low haze hung over the entire area. Now, I'm not saying that the haze hiding the city was beautiful, but that the streetlights shining through the haze were. It almost looked like bits of orange and white cotton, or maybe a dysfunctional Lite Brite with only two colors in use. I wish I could have snapped a picture, but I was constrained to my seat and couldn't get up to get the camera. Yeah, I mean to say that I'm lazy.

There is also a lovely airport in Charlotte. It's very nice, really. You would like it. That's it.

Well, the sun is coming up, and the haze is looming at this point. My frozen-fruit smoothie just ran out, and I think I'm going to buy a pack of smokes and try not to be angry that the sun is coming up and my bed is on the other side of the country. I will also think of beaches, if possible in the 38*F weather outside.

Your Mom's truly,


1 comment:

Dan said...

Seamus Coyle - awesome, i got a sweet new job, and you are in a Monroe Doctrine country, sweet.